Media Interviews & Press
Koreana Magazine — Autumn 2014
Chronicle of a Quest for Living Traditions
“100 Thimbles in a Box” is a labor of love in every sense of the term. Its authors were first introduced to Korea through their adopted Korean children; they naturally developed an interest in their children’s native land and, after a visit to Korea, fell in love with its handicrafts as well. This book is their way of sharing the world of Korean handicrafts with readers who might overwise have never known of them. Read more…
Seoul Magazine – June 2014
Opening the Door to an Undiscovered World
For American writers Debbi Kent and Joan Suwalsky, the decision to put together “100 Thimbles in a Box: The Spirit and Beauty of Korean Handicrafts” (2014, Seoul Selection) was a natural outgrowth of what the two had been doing for years, namely, teaching classes about Korean art and handicrafts to adoptive children and parents. Read more…
Korea Herald (daily newspaper in English) – 4/29/14
American mothers publish book on traditional Korean handicrafts
After adopting children from Korea more than 20 years ago, two American mothers and longtime friends, Debbi Kent and Joan Suwalsky, were both determined to raise their children in an environment that would expose their families to their kids’ native culture as much as possible. Read more…
Hankyoreh (daily newspaper in Korean) – 4/28/14
입양아 뿌리 찾다 ‘한국의 멋’에 빠졌어요
미국 매릴랜드 주에 사는 조앤 슈왈스키(Joan Suwalsky, 70)와 버지니아 주의 데비 켄트(Debbi Kent, 62)가 한국 전통 수공예를 소개하는 영문 책을 함께 냈다. 100 Thimbles in a Box-The Spirit and Beauty of Korean Handicrafts. 우리말로 풀면 ‘함에 담긴 골무 100개-한국 수공예의 얼과 아름다움’이다. Read more…
Joongang Daily (newspaper in English) – 5/12/14
Adoptive moms praise beauty of Korean crafts
When two U.S. mothers, Joan Suwalsky and Debbie Kent, adopted Korean children 20 years ago, they decided their kids should learn about their Korean roots. The two began to make regular visits to their children’s homeland to find out more about the country, and they were soon captivated by the beauty of Korean handicrafts. Read more…